While We Are All People, There Are Different Types of People – Part 4

Sometimes you meet a customer who “hates to bring a problem to you, but …”  This customer would really prefer that there be no problems; no points of disagreement; no friction points in the relationship.  This would be ideal … things would be perfect … this would be a dream.

The reality is that there are times when the customer has a problem that must be solved; a situation that requires your expertise.  To help this customer achieve the desired end result, here are some steps that you can take to deliver your promised “second to none” customer service experience.

  • Be a good listener – This customer wants to know that you are willing to listen and learn.  This customer wants to feel that you have heard the real problem, the real situation, and want to help them achieve the solution that will make everyone happy. 
  • Demonstrate sincere empathy – Empathy is the appreciation of how the customer feels; the understanding of what the customer needs.  It is the willingness to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and determine the best solution to the situation.  Your customer needs to know that you see the problem or the need and that you want to work with them to make things right.
  • Be on the customer’s side – This customer wants a harmonious outcome.  Your desire is to help him or her achieve it; you’re on his or her side.
  • Customer Service is all about meeting your customer’s needs … their needs as they pertain to the services that you and your company provide; and, the needs of their specific personality type.  Put your customer’s needs, product needs and personality needs, first and you will earn a customer for life; a customer who will be loyal to you, your firm, and who will bring you other customers who want the first class service that you provide.