How Much Supervision Does a Great Leader Really Need to Provide?

Have you ever worked for a manager who felt it necessary to micromanage your every task? Did you consider that manager to be a Great Leader? Probably not.

Mediocre managers and mediocre leaders have little or no confidence in the team members that they have been given the privilege of leading. They have the belief that, without their personal supervision, their attention to every little detail, no one can do the job properly.

Great Leaders, on the other hand, provide team members with the ingredients needed to get the job done … get it done right … and, get it done on time.

  • Great Leaders provide the parameters with clear and understandable directions. Team members know what is expected and what the desired outcome is. Team members also have confidence that if there is something that they do not understand or know how to do, they can ask for clarification or help knowing that they will receive what is needed … not derision and accusations of incompetence.
  • Great Leaders provide the tools required to accomplish the task and attain the desired outcome. If the tools are not readily available, they help the team obtain what is needed.
  • Great Leaders give team members room to get the job done. Great Leaders don’t hover over the team members and constantly interfere, critique, and kibitz. While they may be close at hand and available, they afford each team member, and the team, the opportunity to find the answers and solutions for themselves.

Great Leaders take pride in the ability of team members to work efficiently and effectively with a minimum of supervision. While always available to assist where it is needed, Great Leaders do not see their own presence and micromanagement as a necessary ingredient of success.

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Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at