When you are gone, your family will need to know a great deal about your personal finances. They’ll need to know about your assets and your liabilities. Today, we’ll look at assets.
Assets are the things you own that have value; perhaps generate income that can be used to support your dependents. Your family will be helped tremendously if you assemble an inventory of your assets. Consider the following …
- Bank and Credit Union Accounts – do you have a checking account; savings account; certificate(s) of deposit; safe deposit box? If you have any of these assets, list the name of the financial institution along with its address; account number(s); and, the name of the individual with whom you most frequently do business.
- Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds – if you have investment accounts, your family will need to know what assets your accounts hold; i.e., the names of any individual stocks, bonds, or mutual funds you own along with the name of the Registered Representative and firm with which you do business.
- 401(k) – if your company offers a 401k … other qualified retirement plans include 403(b) plans, tax-sheltered annuity plans, and 457 deferred compensation plans … be sure to include the name of the plan administrator with the administrator’s address and telephone number; the name of the person at work who is your primary contact regarding the plan; and, a recent statement showing how the funds are invested and current balances.
- Real Estate – obviously, the first item on this list would be your house. Be sure to include a current estimate of the property’s value. You can obtain a current value from a Realtor; or, do an on-line search by typing in the question “what is the current value of my house”. Your search should yield a number of websites that will help you estimate its current market value.
The list of assets above is certainly not all-inclusive. You may own art, collectibles, firearms, jewelry, and many other things. Be sure to include these items in your list of assets along with their current market value. If these items have been professionally appraised, include the most recent appraisal.
The days, weeks, and months following your death will be trying times for your family. They will be grateful for any help you provide for them that will help them put together the financial pieces of their lives.