How Do You Recognize and Compliment Extroverted Personalities?

Two weeks ago, I shared with you my embarrassing experience of finding out that I did not know as much about motivating people as I thought I did. Last week, we explored the types of recognition and compliments that work well with introverted personalities. So, now, the question is, how do you compliment and recognize the more outgoing extroverts among us?

COREMAP(tm) teaches us that extroverted personalities, Entertainers and Commanders, respond best to specific types of recognition …

  • Entertainer personalities love being the center of attention. They crave public recognition, so give it to them. Entertainers are especially pleased by recognition that is tangible; things that they can show to others. One gentleman that I worked with arranged his office so that his desk was in a corner, set at an angle to the two walls behind him. On the wall to his left were plaques for “Top Salesman”, “Top Supervisor”, “Sales Manager of the Year”. To his right, the wall held photos of him with community leaders, celebrities, politicians. No matter where you sat in his office, you saw the honors and recognitions that he had been given.
  • Commander personalities may be the most difficult persons to compliment and recognize because they are so driven to get things done, to check items off of their “to do lists”, to move on to the next item and get it done. As a consequence, they will have moved on mentally and not recall the things for which they are being recognized. But, make no mistake, they do appreciate being acknowledged, but we must often look at their secondary or backup personality (Organizer or Entertainer) to determine the most effective way to provide that recognition.

Great Leaders take the time to get to know the members of the team that they are privileged to lead. They take the time to determine what is important to each team member and they convey their appreciation in ways that are most valued by each individual. Have you worked with a Great Leader who took time to really find out what was important to you? Click “Comment” and share that experience. – OR – Click “Comment” and share how you like to be recognized for something well done.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

How Do You Compliment and Recognize Introverted Personalities?

Last week, I shared with you my embarrassing experience of finding out that I did not know as much about motivating people as I thought I did. So what does work and with whom does it work best?

COREMAP(tm) teaches us that introverted personalities, Organizers and Relaters, respond best to specific types of recognition …

  • Organizer personalities prefer private forms of recognition. They are much more comfortable with a quiet side conversation that acknowledges their achievement; and, because they are very detail oriented, they value the compliments and recognition when they are very specific. Example: working with a counselor that we’ll call Lisa, it was always a pleasure to see her when she arrived at work and I wanted to let her know that. I could have told her, “it sure is great to see you every morning”. It would have conveyed the essence of the compliment. Instead, one morning when she was the first to arrive, I went to her desk and said, “I sure am glad to see you in the mornings. You always have a smile on your face and your whole attitude conveys that you’re excited about what you do. You make it a great day for everyone you talk to”. How do you think Lisa responded? If you guessed that she perked up, smiled, and said thank you, you’re partially right. She also made it a point to be the first to arrive each day thereafter and greet each of her co-workers with a smile.
  • Relater personalities, those people who are all about building relationships and helping everyone get along, prefer recognition that provides an act of service or quality time. Sales rep Joe was a Relater personality and his desire to do what was best for both his customer and the sales team he was part of was a key reason that he was a top sales person. Wanting to recognize Joe’s contributions, the account manager, Alex, went to him at the end of the day and told him simply that he was going to buy Joe’s lunch the next day. They ordered sandwiches and spent the lunch hour talking about Joe’s participation in a little theater company and the role he was going to play in its current production. Needless to say, Joe was thrilled by the lunch and the conversation … in fact, he did not realize that Alex knew anything about his activities outside of the workplace.

Great Leaders take the time to get to know the members of the team that they are privileged to lead. They take the time to determine what is important to each team member and they convey their appreciation in ways that are most valued by each individual. Have you worked with a Great Leader who took time to really find out what was important to you? Click “Comment” and share that experience. – OR – Click “Comment” and share how you like to be recognized for something well done.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

When It Comes to Compliments, “One Size Fits All” Fits No One

Newly promoted into sales management, I was given the opportunity to attend management training classes. Of course, being young and full of myself, my thought process was, “what do I need training classes for … I know how to motivate people”. Fortunately, the trainer (his name was John) at one of the first classes I attended volunteered me to role play a situation with him where it was my job to recognize his achievements and compliment him.

After John had set the scene, he sat down in my seat in the meeting room and told me to begin the exercise. I announced that I had a plaque to present him and called him to the front of the room. He quietly told me that he had a wall full of plaques, more than he could count, and that they really did not excite him. He’d rather not get another plaque.

I asked him to come up anyway so that I could tell everyone about his accomplishments. He quietly told me that he was really a shy person who felt it was his job to do the best he could and being glorified in front of people really made him uncomfortable.

At this point, John let me off the hook and told me that not everyone likes to receive recognition in the same manner; and, that not everyone wanted to receive that recognition in the same way that I obviously liked. That experience of standing in front of a roomful of my peers and learning that I did not know everything started me on a quest to learn all that I could about what motivates people and how they want to be recognized for their achievements because John was right … different personality types have very different preferences when it comes to recognition and compliments.

Are you curious to know how different personalities want to be recognized? Next week, we’ll take a look at what works well with introverted personalities.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Just Enough or A Little Bit More?

How many times have we heard someone use the phrase, “it’s good enough”? How many times have we used that phrase ourselves?

Great Leaders know that “good enough” is never good enough. They know that excellence requires that each of us do just a little more. For example …

  • The average sales representative who is making cold calls quits when he/she decides that they’ve called enough. The sales rep who is driven to succeed and be a leader makes the same number of calls and a few more.
  • The average athlete performs the required workouts and then quits for the day having done enough. The athlete who is determined to become a champion performs all of the required workouts and then invests additional time working in areas where he/she knows that improvement is needed to excel.
  • The average author and editor review the proof of a new book and find a few minor mistakes but decide to publish it anyone assuming that it is “good enough”; that no one will notice. The author and editor who will be superstars insist that the errors be corrected because they noticed and know that true professionals have a responsibility to their readers to put forth their very best efforts.

Great Leaders do not accept “average” or “good enough” from themselves or their teams. They have the drive and the determination to ensure that their customers all receive the very best product that can be delivered; and, that team members receive the very best guidance, assistance, and leadership that the Great Leader can provide … they give it everything they’ve got and a little bit more.

Click “Comment” to share your experiences when you had the good fortune to work with a Great Leader who gave his/her all + a little bit more.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]