Why Do I Follow That Leader?

I recently had a “conversation” via e-mail with the son of some of my oldest and dearest friends. Bill is in his middle 30’s, an Eagle Scout who has some interesting insights into the concept of leadership. When asked what traits he believed caused an individual to say “I choose to follow that leader”, Bill wrote the following reply. With his permission, I share it with you.

“The sort of traits that cause a person–or me, at least–to say, “this is someone I choose to follow,” are: authenticity, integrity, character, honesty.  These are naturally related to each other and are the antithesis of the more common “do as I say, not as I do” leaders (using the term loosely) we tend to find otherwise.  Whatever a person’s convictions or beliefs, to claim some title, adjective, or position as one’s own, but then behave in diametric opposition thereto is fraud, plain and simple.  This establishes the moral authority to be a leader, but that is not the sole requisite of genuine leadership.  I have heard it said that there is a difference between a manager and a leader: the former maintains the status quo, whereas the latter makes an original and positive contribution to those he or she leads.  Put another way, a person may be compelled to follow a manager, but will voluntarily follow a genuine leader.

“Perhaps the most striking example of a genuine leader is Pope Francis.  The full and formal title belonging to his office is: “Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God.”  Not only does this lengthy description imply that the incumbent has some rather large shoes to fill, it is about the last phrase that I wish to comment.  Personal beliefs and practices, such as they may be, aside, taking on the title of “Servant of the servants of God” echoes teachings attributed to Christ, according to which and to whom he should necessarily be conducting his own affairs and those of the Church.  Let us consider this news story (http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/24/us-pope-concert-idUSBRE95N0S920130624) published just this week.  Of particular interest in the Reuters article is the description of him putting his work ethic above social affairs, consistently declining the material wealth normally associated with his office, and conducting his daily duties as closely as possible to ‘the people,’ rather than in seclusion.  This, to me, is the definition of moral authority: he is conducting his own affairs and is evaluating plans for conducting those of the Church both according to his understanding of Christ’s teachings and to the Jesuit mission.  The fact that his doing so seems to surprise people might suggest that we should evaluate our own expectations as to what exactly we believe ourselves to be entitled, as opposed to privileged to have.  Certainly the contributions Francis will make to the Church are expected to be positive (and God help the Church if his approach is actually original), making him a genuine leader.”

Authenticity, integrity, character, honesty … four words that speak to the high moral disposition that inspires others to follow. Great leaders who desire to positively impact the lives of those who choose to follow would do well to keep Bill’s answer in mind.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

RESPECT – Great Leaders Earn It; They Don’t Demand It

R – E – S – P – E – C – T. Everyone wants it; not everyone gets it. Great Leaders know that respect is not handed out as an entitlement. It must be earned. So how do they go about earning it?

They take responsibility rather than delegate blame – Great Leaders take responsibility when things don’t go according to plan. Rather than delegate the blame to a subordinate, Great Leaders step up and say, “As the leader of this team, the responsibility is all mine.” Great Leaders recognize and accept that they are held accountable for results.

They give credit for success to the team – Great Leaders know that they accomplish little by themselves. While the weak leader will point to the successful completion of a project and say, “Look what I did!”, the Great Leader points to the team and says, “Look what you accomplished! You are the greatest!”

They listen – While the Great Leader knows that he or she is ultimately responsible for making decisions, the Great Leader takes the time to seek out and truly listen to the opinions of team members. Only after listening and hearing everyone’s input, the Great Leader makes the decision that he or she believes is in the best interest of all concerned.

They follow up – Great Leaders don’t just delegate tasks, they monitor progress, ask what tools or resources are required and obtain them. The person to whom the task was delegated knows that it’s not busy work; that outcomes are desired and that the Great Leader is there to help them obtain the desired outcome.

They “walk the talk” – Great Leaders lead by example. They never ask more of their followers than they would be willing to do themselves. They “practice what they preach” and display the same behaviors that they expect from others.

Great Leaders know that respect must be earned every day and their actions will be closely scrutinized by their teams, their followers, to determine if they’ve earned it … every day.

Do you have an example of how a Great Leader has earned your respect? Comment here and share it, please.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Great Leaders Care!

I recently had the privilege of attending an Eagle Court of Honor for seven (yes, I said 7) Scouts who had earned the highest rank that Scouting offers. To understand how special this Court of Honor was, it’s important to know two very important facts. 1) Less than 4% of all boys who join the Boy Scouts of America will ever earn this rank. 2) All seven of these young men were members of the same patrol in the same troop. And, they all had something else in common … a Great Leader.

That Great Leader was a man I’ll call Mr. Bill. Mr. Bill joined this group of young men on the day that their patrol formed. His son was a member of the patrol; but, from the first day, he saw himself as having seven sons in that patrol … they were all his boys and he would do everything he could to help each of them grow to become the men they were destined to be.

In the early days, he stood in front of them and showed them how to perform tasks both basic and complex. As the boys learned and then mastered the skills, Bill began to step back and let the boys lead themselves, always with the knowledge that he was there to help them if they ran into a problem. As the boys matured and undertook high adventure treks, Bill accompanied them; but now, he watched them as each took a turn leading the others and he answered their questions with the question, “what do you think you should do?”

Knowing that rank advancement was important to building a young man’s self-esteem, Mr. Bill constantly monitored their progress. If one of his charges fell behind, he provided encouragement and, when needed, gave the Scout a nudge to keep him moving forward. As the boys neared their 18th birthdays, he made sure that each was fulfilling the requirements to attain the rank of Eagle Scout. He genuinely cared about the success of each of these young men and could not envision an outcome other than each of them attaining the pinnacle of Scouting.

As the Court of Honor wound down to its conclusion, each of these outstanding these young men stepped up to the microphone to provide encouragement to those younger Scouts in attendance; and, to express his gratitude to those who had helped him along the way. Each Scout expressed the customary gratitude to parents, relatives, and friends. Each also thanked various volunteer leaders for things that the young man felt had helped him. All thanked Mr. Bill … for his guidance; for his support; and most of all, for caring.

Great Leaders care about those they lead. Great Leaders care enough to do whatever is needed to ensure that their followers have the tools and resources necessary for success.

“Like” if you appreciate all that Great Leaders do to help their followers succeed.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Leaders Find A Way To Do That Which Cannot Be Done

Roman emperor and stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius wrote that something that appears difficult to one person should not be considered to be impossible for someone else to accomplish. Herein lies one of the secrets of Great Leaders, the recognition that leadership carries with it the responsibility for finding a way to get things done.

While weak leaders give up and make excuses for not completing what they set out to do, Great Leaders see the opportunities that are presented by difficult challenges. Great Leaders

  • acknowledge what has not worked in the past without dwelling on the past
  • embrace non-traditional thinking and the possibilities that this offers
  • recognize that just because something does not work, the effort does not represent a failure, it simply moves everything one step closer to success
  • continue to search for solutions until they find the one that leads to success

My first agency manager, Ray, repeatedly told us that getting knocked down did not mean you had failed. Failure only occurred when you refused to get back up and try again. Great Leaders know this; and, because they know and BELIEVE this, they do not fear setbacks; they do not fear trying something that is not a “guaranteed sure thing”; they do not hesitate to try something new. They know that hard work and effort will result in success. They instill this belief in those who follow them. They encourage renewed effort in the face of adversity and they recognize and reward that continuing effort when it occurs.

In the end, Great Leaders find ways to do what everyone else says cannot be done. If you have had the advantage of following a Great Leader, comment here to share how that person inspired your success.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]