Do Great Leaders Seek Small Improvements or Revolutionary Change?

You’ve seen it before, a new manager, new department head, new supervisor comes in and announces that “we’re going to turn this place upside down and change everything to make this place run better” (whatever those words mean). “If you can’t get behind the new way of doing things, then hit the road, your services are no longer needed.” You’ve also seen how this strategy usually works out … a number of old familiar faces leave; a number of new faces take their place; and, when things don’t run better right away, a new person comes in to replace the guy who came in and is now gone and a whole new wave of changes is coming to fix things and make them better.

Then, one day, a new leader arrives with a totally new philosophy; a philosophy that says, “let’s look and see what’s working well and then build on that foundation.” Gradually, small changes are implemented and integrated into the systems that were working efficiently and effectively. Each passing day and week witnesses a slow but steady improvement in both the systems and the employee morale.

It can be suggested here that this new leader is practicing the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen … a philosophy or practice that focuses on continuous and gradual improvement. It might also be suggested here that you are working with either a Great Leader or one who will soon be recognized as a Great Leader.

Great Leaders seldom advocate for revolution. Rather, they seek gradual and continuous improvement in all things … systems, practices, people. They seek out the very best in the people that they are privileged to lead and find ways to bring the best to the forefront where all can see it and benefit from it. It should come as no surprise, then, that Great Leaders achieve great results. They surround themselves with great people and provide those people with every opportunity to shine and be their very best. Through gradual changes, they achieve extraordinary (and often revolutionary) results.

Have you had the privilege of following a Great Leader who achieved extraordinary results through gradual and continuous change. Click “comment” and share that experience.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Where Were You, Really, When You Said You Were “There”?

I recently received a picture from a friend showing a hand holding a “smart phone”. On the screen of the phone were the words, “Putting your phone away and paying attention to those talking to you? There’s an app for that. It’s called RESPECT.” This photo reminded me of an incident that I was involved in many years ago as well as a meeting I attended a few years ago.

In the first instance, I had just been appointed to manage a branch office by my first agency manager, Ray. Ray had come to Tucson to meet with me; to review my actions over the first 60 days in my new office; and, to help create a plan that would grow the branch office in the coming months. As we talked, my telephone rang and I answered it. (Keep in mind that this is well before “Caller I.D.” told us who was calling) Ray sat patiently and waited while I spoke with the caller. When I hung up the phone and turned to resume my conversation with Ray, he fixed me in a firm stare and said, “Son, do you realize that when you interrupt a conversation you are having with one person to answer the phone, you are essentially telling that individual that while you don’t know who is calling, anyone is more important than the person you are talking to? Don’t ever do that to me again!”

Many years later, I attended a meeting with two other individuals, John and Joseph. John had been working on a research project assigned to him by Joseph and was now to deliver his findings. When the project was first given to John, Joseph repeatedly stressed how the information was urgently needed; how the findings of John’s research could play a huge part in determining the future success of the company.

On the morning of the meeting, John confidently walked into the meeting room and took his place at the conference table and awaited Joseph’s arrival. Joseph arrived late to the meeting, sat down at the head of the table and drew his cell phone from his pocket placing it on the table in front of him. “Tell me what you found,” he told John.

As John began his report, Joseph’s cell phone vibrated on the table and Joseph picked it up and read the message on the screen. “Go on, John, I’m listening,” he said. A few minutes later, the phone rang and Joseph answered it as if John was not talking. John stopped and waited for Joseph to end the call which, based only on the half that he and I could hear, was clearly a casual conversation and not an urgent matter. When the call ended, Joseph turned to John and said, “Well, go on, what are you waiting for?” This pattern of behavior continued throughout the meeting. At meeting’s end, John and I left the office and I heard him mutter, “I wonder if he even heard a word I said?”

Great Leaders do not treat associates in this manner. Great Leaders show the same level of respect for their associates that they expect from those associates. Great Leaders make certain that they are present when an associate asks for time with them. Great Leaders give the person(s) that they are with their total and undivided attention … they are truly present when they are “there”.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Where’s The Top of the World?

If you’ve ever attained the pinnacle of your profession or been recognized as “the best” at your avocation, it can feel like you’ve reached the top of the world; you’ve got nothing left to prove and you can now step back and rest on your laurels. It can definitely feel that way; and yet, deep down inside, there is this little nagging voice that insists that there is still something left that needs to be done. While many people are able to ignore that voice, Great Leaders stop and listen carefully, recognizing the truth that is being spoken … there is still much to do if they are to truly reach the Top of the World.

Great Leaders understand that they are within reach of the top, but they are not there quite yet. To truly reach the top, they must now identify those individuals who have the ability to excel but may never do so without the help of another … a coach, teacher, mentor, advisor who comes along at the right time to help them overcome a hurdle that may be blocking or delaying their progress. Great Leaders offer that helping hand, the timely suggestion, the encouragement that is needed and helps another achieve his or her goals, the pinnacle of their success.

For Great Leaders, helping another to succeed is a passion, a commitment that drives them. Great Leaders realize that the true “Top of the World” comes when they get to sit in the audience and quietly think, “I helped this individual realize this moment.” Great Leaders do not brag or boast about this. They do nothing to detract from the other individual’s moment in the spotlight. They do, however, enjoy a momentary smile as they look around and ask themselves, “who can I help today?”

Have you enjoyed a “Top of the World Moment”? Click comment and share your story here.

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Read Any Good Books Lately?

My first agency manager, Ray, always encouraged us to be readers. Two of my favorite “Ray Sayings” are “Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers” and “When you’re green you grow. When you’re ripe you rot.” While I’ve always been a reader, his encouragements have often steered me to books that can help me grow professionally. I recently finished reading such a book.

A Leaders Gift: How to Earn the Right to be Followed is one of the best leadership books I have read. Barry Banther uses just the right mix of how he had to learn about the 5 Gifts of Leadership the hard way along with real world examples where the 5 Gifts have helped leaders succeed and earn the right to be followed.

Looking back at the Great Leaders I have had the privilege of knowing, I find that each practiced the 5 Gifts, perhaps knowingly, perhaps unwittingly; but, practice them they did. This is what made them Great Leaders.

If you have any desire to become a Great Leader, this book is a must read!

Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]