When facing adversity, how do you respond?
Do you complain about the circumstances? Do you play the blame game, trying to make someone (anyone) else responsible for the problem? Do you bemoan the adversity, determined to prove that it’s not your fault? Playing the blame game is like cursing the darkness … it may feel good at the moment but it does nothing to solve the problem.
Or, do you look for constructive solutions? Do you identify the cause of the difficulty and look for ways to cure the cause? Solving problems is very much akin to lighting the candle that pushes back the darkness. It brings solutions to the table and changes the environment.
Great Leaders fall into the latter category. They know that few projects unfold without difficulty; few people face no adversity. Great Leaders acknowledge that “stuff happens” and they prepare themselves for the potential problems by planning in advance. How will they respond to a possible objection? How will they overcome a potential road block? What is their contingency plan if adversity presents itself? Great Leaders look ahead and identify potential problems and plan to overcome them. This is one of the factors that differentiate the Great Leader from the those who are satisfied with mediocrity; the ability and willingness to look into the future and actively plan for it.
Have you had an experience where planning ahead has helped you overcome adversity? Share your story here.
Tom Hoisington is a speaker, trainer, and author whose goal is to provide leaders and potential leaders with tools that empower them to build teams that are creative and cost effective along with a clearer understanding of how personality types interact within those teams. He can be contacted at [email protected]